Fangirl Weekly

Fangirl Recap || So much bookish news

HELLO EVERYONE!!! How is everyone going? These past two weeks have been packed for me. Exams ended and I just came back from camp and I am seriously exhausted. Now I can get back to my reading because we all know that’s what we live for. O.M.G, I have also been super jealous of anyone…… Continue reading Fangirl Recap || So much bookish news

Giveaway · random · Shout Outs


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THIS CORNER OF THE WEB!!! IT’S TWO!!!! Ahhhhhh, back to when I was 14 years old and sooooo horrible at this blogging thing. Honestly, I might still be bad at this. Thank you to ALL the friends I’ve made and to everyone that follows me. It’s amazing and you’re all a lovely…… Continue reading IT’S MY 2nd BLOGOVERSARY!!! || GIVEAWAY